Bad Luck! Fails of the Week | FailArmy

Bad Luck! Fails of the Week | FailArmy

Estos son algunos comentarios:

Björn Goud
Noooo that bowling ball! Concussion

Eeeii father benard 😂😂

FailArmy <3

Legendary dad

Amazing how many people don’t realize snow on the ground means high likelihood of slippery steps.

Charles Gentry
Oh, when a man goes into a child, it’s OK to start hitting him, but when it’s a girl, no one bats an eye……

2:48 Fun fact: First law of flight: speed & lift must be greater than weight & drag.

Mason Hilliard
Pro tip if it’s warm enough to ride your dirtbike probably best to avoid ice

Josh Coates
That girl that was trying to smash the windshield of her present car, needs to have her head bashed in!
