Brits Being Idiots – Funny UK Moments and People | FailArmy

Brits Being Idiots – Funny UK Moments and People | FailArmy

Estos son algunos comentarios:

Calling repairman engineers is stupid

Bet video made by americans…who thinks europe or alaska are countries…

Aaron S
Drunk inbreeding is a hard thing to stop over there.

Sergio Velasquez
5:58 podozhdi, ya ego ebnu, nahui. So british, lmfao.

D J137
He didn’t pop it

Louie Littlefoot und Marönchen
3:29 What? I don’t get this one. Could someone explain this to me?

Louie Littlefoot und Marönchen
Brits being idiots? It should say: Brits being Brits.

The Porg Who Lived
What happened at 3:30

E. B.
“Made in UK” ?

Morespyware Foryou
It makes me proud, as a Brit, to know that we are up there with the best of them!

Yes!! Finally. I’ve seen your Americans being idiots vids, finally got one just for us Brits. Hilarious! Made my day!
