DIY Fails | Work & Home Improvement Fails Compilation

DIY Fails | Work & Home Improvement Fails Compilation

Estos son algunos comentarios:

John K
was that lady using a hammer drill?

Carlos G Garcia

Y esto amigos es lo que pasa cuando no entrenas el músculo MAS IMPORTANTE….

El cerebro ??✊️
8:09 suerte que no son artilleros de un barco…….lo hundirían????

Real Members TV
this worth a couple thousand likes brother keep up the good work ??

Darren Power
1:21 Dude made a fucking rocket launcher, not a spud gun

WTF is happening on 6:02 ?

0:45 that guy is enjoying that to much lol

3:20 and 5:40
I wonder if they’re related.

bendix 2
Słabe to

the chainsaw kicked him in the head, frame by frame he’s got blood running down his forehead into his eye.

The guy with the chainsaw!

William Lilis Soria
Aguante el Colo
