Fails of the Week | New Year, More Fails!

Fails of the Week | New Year, More Fails!

Estos son algunos comentarios:

I really appreciate that you make the videos❤❤ ❤

*creepy americans*

good video

“Aoleu”la toți “participanții”😮😀

funny how people think rattle snake hits fast, and overlook the cuddly cats 6:25 (0.25x playspeed)

5:01 que naco

0:20 bro’s pants-☠

4:53 see these all the time…don’t get it don’t understand it WTF moment. Why would you do this? I’d be married and divorced in the same day.

0:14 lol the guy diving face first into a box 😂

Pls get the intro on!
