Farmer Karma! Funny Expectation vs. Reality Videos

Farmer Karma! Funny Expectation vs. Reality Videos

Estos son algunos comentarios:

Which clip was your favorite?

Ken Barbret
A lot of time spent on this one! Great job!

If your pan is on fire don’t freak out. It’s a contained flame. Just cover it with a lid, a plate or another pan and it will starve it of oxygen and kill the fire.

Sana Zaab
10:31 To be the most hilarious part😂😂😂😂😂I hope the dude is ok

13:41 isn’t a fail. Car driver made a illegal parking at man’s farm. The farmer just removed the car from his property.

Why isn’t this video called Instant Farma? Lol

Esmiye Aykonul
Which clip was your favorite?

Luke Herda II
I like this format with the win/fail sequence.

13:42 that’s not a fail though, that’s just a farmer being angry about illegal parking on his property ‘n doing something about it 😂

Сергій Ситюк
what’s going on here? 13:41

Corpus Callosum
That‘s one of the best video formats of all time.
