Idiots Around Europe | Funny Fails Compilation

Idiots Around Europe | Funny Fails Compilation

Estos son algunos comentarios:

1:20 the scream had me rolling for minutes 😂

8:54 Oh, I get it! 😂😂😂

18:37 Trials be like

I vote for Norway having the best fails.
Would love to see a similar video about North American fails!

I don’t understand why you claim that the people in this video are idiots, they are just having fun or are victims of some random circumstances. Actually thanks to them you have content. Yesterday I fell on the stairs because it was slippery, I’m also an idiot ?

All fun and games until you’re in traction at the emergency room😮

fascist russia is not a part of Europe.

Старьё по собрали в кучу идиоты следующий ролик сделайте из более старых роликов хорошо.


Where is Türkiye 🇹🇷?

held hostage by your leathers, classic! and her scream of frustration gave me a giggle, been there
