People vs. Nature | CRAZY Outdoor Fails

People vs. Nature | CRAZY Outdoor Fails

Estos son algunos comentarios:

favorite clip?

Ziggy Wouters
How is it that the pools and the bathtub are waving around that much??

16:08 Main character using his space powers to travel across the worlds… 🗿

The Morel Jones Channel
The tentnado clip is epic!

It was at that moment, when she found out Sunny was not the dog, she thought he was!

Derron Ellies
0:27. Why did the smaller moose increase warp speed?

Falling Angel
обожаю такое! захватывающе! хорошо что у нас такого нет

Rain products Ny
Allahu ekber

Eric Stirbescu
8:24 My favorite part 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂

Monkey C
07:52 nope!
