People vs. Nature | Crazy Outdoor Fails

People vs. Nature | Crazy Outdoor Fails

Estos son algunos comentarios:

Henry Geter
Like I always say to myself whenever people don’t like the weather: “Talk to Mother Nature. See what she has to say about it!”

Suzie E Antrobus 🌸
The man with a mop and bucket 🪣 was fighting a losing battle 😂

Nature and weather fails (or wins) are my absolute favorites, and this compilation is great!

Globalwarming loves you 😂

Solo Moto
Reported. This is not acceptable.

evon williams
Nice videos but the people out there in all that bad weather needs to be somewhere safe they can really get hurt are lose their lives just plain stupid 😮

3:35 YO! Is that Steven Universe on Fail Army?

David Terry
Absolutely fantastic, really enjoyed that.

16:08 that was some of the coolest lightning I’ve ever seen

Александр П.
Инкреибле-это явно какое-то ругательство!
