Primate Fails | Funny Animals Fails Caught On Camera

Primate Fails | Funny Animals Fails Caught On Camera

Estos son algunos comentarios:

I love it when tourists are ‘Aw look at the cute monkeys!’ then next minute they’re ‘Oh he’s biting/stealing/scratching/throwing feces’ and they’re – if they’re knowledgeable enough – on their way to hospital for a tetanus shot. Monkeys are diseased pests.

Johann Krammer
Why was the first Clip censored damnit.

Carlos Merchan

I’ve decided I don’t like monkeys.

0:54 still the Best 😅

Jessica DuBois
I’ve been binge watching these all day. Perfect timing for a new one.

Dan Hugeis

more like human fails

disco mug
I dont really care about animals so Im just goin To let this video play In the background while I Stare at the ceiling.

so sad we cage wild animals for our “amusement”. why not let them be free and you want to see them, you GO to their habitat to visit. Zoos are cruel

Awful mess.
