Awesome Wins and Stupid Fails

Awesome Wins and Stupid Fails

Estos son algunos comentarios:

Oh I love these, when it’s not just “they fell at the end of a neat trick” and you get to see some legitimately cool stuff mixed with the fails! Thanks!

To me the bigest fail is the lack of randomness in the video editing. It wouldn’t have been harder to let us wonder in which category each clip belongs.

0:15 And that kids is how baby 4-wheelers are made!

This is the first time in a long time that I hit the like button. THIS IS the winning combination. The awesome successes made the fails much more enjoyable. Keep this process going.

20:54 – The Camera its awesome

All of these wins were fails at some point.

17:03 – Ultimate Kamasutra Girl.

Also known as “Practice makes Perfect”. Every one of the wins was preceded by thousands of fails and just not giving up.

What hit that surfer twords the end was it a fish or another person

Kid on the bmx tried to impale himself on that fence. Sheesh…
