Burn Rubber! Funniest Fails of the Week 😂

Burn Rubber! Funniest Fails of the Week 😂

Estos son algunos comentarios:

If you are dumb enough to use a thumbless grip for bench press, you have a good chance of earning the crushed trachea that you so richly deserve.

What kind of person changes a tire on an incline without chock blocks? Probably a man with an office job. At least he tried. But why was he videotaping himself change a tire to begin with? Was it that big of an event in his life?

Hahahahahaha , I’m still laughing hahahahha

जीव जंतुओं पर दया करे शाकाहारी बने अण्डा शराब मांस मछली का सेवन न करें क्योंकि सतयुग आ रहा है बाबा जी का कहना है शाकाहारी रहना है

People need to stop sabring Champagne bottles. It never ends well.

Why do people EVER try taking the top off bottles with knives? It’s never worked in the history of ever on the internet. lol

“Are you ok?” is the stupidest thing to say to someone in pain. now they have one more problem which is you. just be quiet for a minute.

and I thought my bad days where rough at times.

That double moto fail was classic 👌

The bouldering ones aren’t really fails… that’s just bouldering; that’s why there’s a soft landing!

0:18 is why you use WHEEL CHOCKS Jesus fucking Christ my guy
