Burn Rubber! Funniest Fails of the Week 😂

Burn Rubber! Funniest Fails of the Week 😂

Estos son algunos comentarios:

Enjoyed the time that your team had made this video an AMAZING EXPERIENCE Thank You. FailArmy.

The people with the dog sniffing the hand sanitizer…these people don’t deserve a dog. Can’t they see that the alcohol and chemicals in the sanitizer are harming the animal?? Their sense of smell is thousands of times more sensitive than ours. They’re hurting the poor dog!

If you were such an idiot to almost self delete while working out, why would you ever share such a video?

3:25 Why do Americans carry so much stuff when they go from their car or to their car?

Why tf are you blurring out a bottle of champagne? We seriously doing that now? Ffs this society is so soft.


The animal ones are never funny. Last time I watch.👎

4:12 i always think when i see this type of content…..yeah this would not have happend if you use both of your hands dumdum instead you had to record this with a phone in your hand 🤦‍♀️

11:22 that was one of the the cutest oofs ever.

every time i see a bottle of liquor censored a part of me dies. this is beyond sad.

11:24 He’s fine! No helmet required. He can deal with a little mild brain damage just like his dad!
