Burn Rubber! Funniest Fails of the Week 😂

Burn Rubber! Funniest Fails of the Week 😂

Estos son algunos comentarios:

15:15 – “I’m Honda the water… Please help me…”

It’s gotten to the point where a person can’t go out in public in case they mess up in some way and then find themselves on FAILARMY. Life is now open to ridicule. Can’t be right.

5:26.. 😂 😂 😂 Rewind x3 & it is Still funny as heck!!.. 😂😂😂

Bullseye literally 1:15 😅

Weightlifting fails are the new slipping on the stairs fails.

At 3:24 I would have just given everything up and died.., I hope they’re ok. I felt that pain for sure ❤

5:26 I’m crying. 😂 I know that’s bad. But it’s funny and so sad that the dog was probably re-injured.

8:19 was the same place as 7:40 Same girl too I think. 11:18 still bad at it as 5:38

I laughed wayyy too hard at this

Malayali😂 10:57
