Burn Rubber! Funniest Fails of the Week 😂

Burn Rubber! Funniest Fails of the Week 😂

Estos son algunos comentarios:

why are people so dumb? do they not think before they act? seriously

3:22- woman attacked by crocs

Why are women in hijabs constantly falling off of rope swings?

Just stay down bro’

Keine Ahnung was daran jetzt witzig war. Hab nichtmal geschmunzelt

this hurts my soul


clearly this area is a hazard and should be looked into, theres no way 2 different people can slip in the same area at different times

the second one with the bowling ball made me jump up and spin while screaming “Whooooa”. As everyone should do

Sometimes the funniest thing is the people who are laughing – some of their laughs are hilarious!

The dog was so confused😂😂😂
