Double the Pain! Collateral Accidents and Group Fails | FailArmy

Double the Pain! Collateral Accidents and Group Fails | FailArmy

Estos son algunos comentarios:

Carolyn Caverly
What E R doctors watch on their down time.

Lee Markosian
So when it looks like someone was hurt and you don’t say “no one was hurt” that means someone was hurt, right? ?

7:03 Seconds dude was smooth asf

Jeffrey Lee Puckett
Most of the USA fails are straight up because: fat af

L Scales
I love how the peewee football team saw the pile up and some just jumped on lol

motorcycles: not for everyone

Lot of people harmed in this one

Broken leg?

You could save about 3 hours of editing by removing the cringe and pointless text in the videos ?

The Drift
01:24 Why would that clown attempt to get out at that point? 07:27 Last time she went to that gym! ?
