Exercise Fails | Gym & Fitness Fails Compilation

Exercise Fails | Gym & Fitness Fails Compilation

Estos son algunos comentarios:

@7:12 That’s my kind of motivation. Exercise output instantly +30%.

This is a bugbear of mine: rather than recording someone do an exercise wrong, tell them. Don’t just film them. If they injure themselves, that’s on you too for knowing they did it wrong.

Computer Guy
If only the chicken had laid an egg.

Tom’s Tube
The audio dubbing is repetitive and poorly used

Bac Burrito
I already like Dave

Computer Guy
The guy doing the little hop with the bar on his shoulders was working on his vert. Not abnormal unless you don’t understand. After watching longer more than one is doing it. All doing it for same reason.

I was hoping that hen would poop ? on his face

Did any of these people give permission to be photographed, then have it broadcast around the world?

4:18 not getting enough attention on the ground?

The repetitive sound on many clips in this video is so annoying 😀

Ernst J. Oud
So what have we learned today? Gym requires an IQ > 40.
