Double the Pain! Collateral Accidents and Group Fails | FailArmy

Double the Pain! Collateral Accidents and Group Fails | FailArmy

Estos son algunos comentarios:

10:40 That one is not funny, that was pure horror for the two little goats there!

Mr Allan
Ray Mysterio at 6.16

Beloved OfGod
And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

Merlin Tom
0:53 man got face assd! Well that’s how my nephew said it. ?

Christopher Raglin
7:56 stupid a** ???

Watching these videos for years I realize fat people should stay off stairs, things with wheels, ropes hung on trees, poles, water slides, and anything thing else that alters their center of gravity.

LVQ Incredible
*_So many funny events! Thanks for the brilliant video_* I Love You *-DO YOU LOVE ME-*

Prison Mike
11:20 Just the deck dudes hahaha it’s supposed to be just the deck. Did you think the wheels were just for show?

Gary Johnson
Quantum entanglement….!!

Prison Mike
6:05 No excuse for this knuckle head to miss the guy very clearly nose grinding just to gauge whether or not it needs wax. Dummy.

Chibyke Collins
3:30 that man is a legend ?? he saved the beer
