Dumbest Fails of the Week!

Dumbest Fails of the Week!

Estos son algunos comentarios:

2:44 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Owner: _”Did you chew up this pillow?”_
Dog: __

That was ghetto.

Anyone know the story with the burning white pickup in the thumb nail?
Were they pushed up against the parking block, doing a burnout and fried the clutch?

5:54 men shouldnt wear high heels.

All the gym fail clips I was thinking “That’s why you need someone to spot you”, and then the clip with the spotter showed up, and they still failed…

2:37 did the bar just crushed his nut😆

The guy who caught his pecker on the bench press then hits his face off the weights 💀 😂😂😂

7:25 she’s cooking up some symbiote for dinner

Many clips here show that sometimes overexertion leads to failure.

Change that “beep” sound ffs FAILARMY its 2024, we have invented less annoying sounds.
