Expectation vs. Reality | Best Stunts and Fails

Expectation vs. Reality | Best Stunts and Fails

Estos son algunos comentarios:

Girl in the background at 1:00 mocking him pisses me off

We are in the last days. God is coming soon to bring His people home. Repent of you’re sins and get baptized. Be born again by believing and being saved to go to eternal life. Jesus is The Only Way. Have a relationship with Him. He loves you and cares for you’re soul. Believe and be saved according to The Book of Romans 10:9. Accept Him as you’re personal Lord and Savior. Hear His Word, The Holy Bible, stay in prayer and help others. I am here for prayer. I’m just sharing The Good News. God bless.

18:19 he is my new hero 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Kid on the bmx tried to impale himself on that fence. Sheesh…

Achievement worth nothing!

😂😂 its so hard to be better


Because it would be deathly boring, there will never be a similar channel highlighting those putting in equally much effort into mastering and struggling with academics, but let’s salute them anyway in their obscurity.🍻

4:11 the best 🙂


I’m just glad that I’m not this guy’s neighbor!
