Funniest Fails Of The Week! 😂

Funniest Fails Of The Week! 😂

Estos son algunos comentarios:

People living in snow and ice need to invest in ice cleats

When there’s a shoe in the air … Hilarious

Pro Tip: Always have a good take out place as a back up, for dinner mishaps.

0:10 and 0:53 is probably the same guy

all these people calling out ”Oh My God” and get no response. with so may calling out, ”O My Gott” you’d think that at least One of the Gods would show up and clean up the mess. well guess what, y’all said ”in guns we trust” instead of ” In God We Trust” and now he’s gone, you’re on your own, humans v. Nature, good luck with that

1:27 That was a fire shot

4:19 dude got hit by a parked car 😂

There’s some really scary storms out there. Stay safe and be careful everyone.

still waiting for the FailArmy Ultimate Extreme Fall•Down•The•Stairs Compilation Mixtape 😎

This is really borning.

3:57 I’m about to help teach a fall prevention class for seniors and this is exactly the kind of thing I will advise people not to do. She’s carrying enough for at least two comfortable trips. Why risk a nasty fall like that one to save just a few minutes. And besides the 2 trips gives you needed exercise and the 1 trip can lead to a serious injury. The trick is that you have to start playing it safe before an accident happens when you’re still sure you can pull it off. You’ll be right about that, until you’re not. Why let an injury tell you what you’re not able to do? In other words, play it safe before you need to. Thanks Fail Army for the many lessons in physics and balance i’ve received here.
