Instant REGRET | Fails Of The Week

Instant REGRET | Fails Of The Week

Estos son algunos comentarios:

0:47 phenomenal camerawork, not seen better in a movie.

Ruger Shooter
2:50 what was the plan

i like how the little girl cares more about her pumpkin than her dad

Every time I go to my grandmas house, I always watch failarmy! Keep up the fire content 🙂

Tuhu Moments
The moments captured are so interesting🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

F Ado
The Big Gulp and all that obesity.

little hills
3k mth is why ur broke

WiX GaminG
Apparently americans do not know about winter shoes 😀

A.G. Foster
It’s not really these folks’ fault they aren’t intelligent, smart people don’t film themselves doing mundane things.

Zabiina Naigaga
From me here Uganda I have enjoyed 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🇺🇬

Craig D’Silva
Spider man can’t lift
