Most Shocking Fails of 2022

Most Shocking Fails of 2022

Estos son algunos comentarios:

Skater goes into the street without looking and is shocked when almost hit by a car

Patricia Jackson
That deer, at 2:10, saw that gator sneaking up on him and was poised to dash away !!

Ian Baker
same clips every year

0:34 – GTA moment

The “AHH BAMBI” was hilarious.

Yeah, too edited again. What sets up the scene, and what happens afterwards are the basic requirements and you mostly edit too tight for either to be apparent. You do a great job, but this would help a lot.

BEN yedlin
ihpone 4 beer open fail is 2018 or older.
so many of these are not from 2022, this lazy filler content is why i stopped regularly watching fail army. *eye roll to infinity*

Davide Pannone
Nuclear bomb: *explodes*
Fail army: no one was hurt ?

Артур А.
0-49 и правда нихрена себе!

Josh Matthews
4:23 that has to be one of the worst fails I’ve ever seen

Josh Matthews
2:30 how/why is that happening?
