On Thin Ice | Epic Winter Moments & Frozen Fails Compilation

On Thin Ice | Epic Winter Moments & Frozen Fails Compilation

Estos son algunos comentarios:

Le soucis sur la longévité des pistolets c’est les pièces détachées et joints non ? Et la question sur ses pistolets “no name” c’est la disponibilité de ses pièces. C’est facile à trouver ? Merci 🙂

Grumpy One
8:12 Guy was just warming his car before getting in!

Leeban Mohamed
Is that legal can they use flame thrower to melt ice

frank S
in Soviet Russia snow plows you

Deacon David Viscount
People falling down….always a good laugh. ?

The first clip got me rolling, the kid wearing a fedora skiing down the sidewalk like he’s on a ski resort, had me lol. ?

Gordon Zola
Where is Ken ?

10:38 you can tell when someone has no training for ice.

Tone Bone
The guy with the flamethrower did a great job turning a snowy driveway into an ice skating rink.

Randy Boisa
6:37 Serves you right nerd!
