People Being Idiots | Try Not To Laugh

People Being Idiots | Try Not To Laugh

Estos son algunos comentarios:

Dude complaining about a $5 tip from a pizza order? WTF? Most people hardly tip at all anymore so be grateful.

7:51 killed me..

The first one was evidentially a tourist who doesn’t know not to show a reflection because if they lock eyes with another male get ready for a dust up.

What are Karen that pizza guy is

So glad we don’t tip in the UK! But dude be grateful you got one she could of not given you one at all

What’s going on at 4:57? 🤔

if you dosn’t laught you have a serious problem

You know that plane smell like rotten anchovies now 😂😂😂

19:54 “Dammit!”

5:23 Makes a change, white stealing from black.

I get the feeling that most, if not all, of the folks commenting something about how the guy complaining about the tip and how he should lose his job (he did.)

Any of you ever work in the service industry and try to just eek by while still having a “job”? I did delivery for a pizza company at one point……WE MADE LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE while still having to pay insurance, gas, maintenance on our vehicles. But yeah, TOTES the fault of the employee for being frustrated that they can’t make it.
“Well can’t they just quit and find another job?” Well sure! I mean hopefully somewhere available is hiring but hey…that’s like a guarantee isn’t it? You can just pop on over to joblandia and snag a great paying job!

Maybe have a little understanding about one of the most oft-abused, insulted, and mistreated groups of working people in our country. I spent years in the foodservice industry and have been called everything but a white man, screamed at, told that I wasn’t worth the pittance that I was being paid, and had people wish that my life GOT WORSE. ‘Murika! Land of the Free home of the DUMB.

Maybe we just all deserve a bit better than this? Or are we totally cool with a single person who does next to nothing making tens of millions of dollars just because reasons? If so….how sad 🙁
