Reasons to Wear a Helmet – Fails of The Week | FailArmy

Reasons to Wear a Helmet – Fails of The Week | FailArmy

Estos son algunos comentarios:

rob Patterson
? that pilot is a legend ?

Nautilus Guitars
Yeah, I always wear a helmet when lizards are in the forecast.

Maese Nemo
i fractured me f*cking fingah!

andres ospina

Thomas MacTavish
The videos are padded with too many bike wipeouts.

0:50 It looked like someone opened a pigsty ? and a fat pig came out ?

Liam Stinkz
2:38 more like reason to wear protection

Peter Gozinya
1:50 Fat people are so clumsy ??

Be careful! That snake knows the Muay Thai Art Of Redirecting!

Time Well Spent
‘No animals were harmed’ – Fido never seen again…

Prof. Sir
I think this might be my favorite failarmy vid yet.
