Sports Gone Terribly Wrong | Funny Moments Caught On Camera

Sports Gone Terribly Wrong | Funny Moments Caught On Camera

Estos son algunos comentarios:

0:22, that man was so mad at her for doing dumb shit, lol.

Soldado Raso
10:46 🤣🤣🤣🌞

Нормально на троечку из пяти подборка) скучно без водки 😂

Tina Lorenzo
0:24 🥶

4:05 Nope don’t think so FailArmy! If that’s the sound that bike and crash made then I’m King Charles’s left nipple!

Spencer Hansen
I didn’t think golf could be more frustrating… add a cat..fml

Dan R
I hope the Pole vaulters back is 👍 because fuuuuck

Sarah Barton
When sports equipment fights back

Spencer Hansen
The ball hitting his face was louder than the paddle😂🫢

Enot Pk
4:31 – what is going on?

6:30 must have been quite the smash to knock a grown man down with a pingpong ball
