Well Done! Funniest Fails Of The Week

Well Done! Funniest Fails Of The Week

Estos son algunos comentarios:

1:47-1:50 trafiła do swojego środowiska.

@FailArmy 1:41 homophobic slur, please address this

Jor El
Did the guy on the bike flip off the the deer and call them a F’n F&ggot?

I have so many questions re: Snake 🐍

Chris Reise
3:04 Nature, rain, thunder, wind, hurricanes, flood, tornados etc are considered “acts of God” so, what you are really saying is that GOD is a failure…okay, I’ll agree with you there.

0:25 god was on his side

Matthew Henley
What colour were those guys toenails 🤢

Mic Broc
My anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns hun.

Steve Utgaard

the guy cutting down the tree is lucky he didn’t get killed. no safety gear, no planning and then just stands there waiting to be crushed. Leave that kind of dangerous fallen trees to the pros.

Yo @FailArmy are you going to do anything about the slur at 1:41 ?
