When Cats Attack! Fails Of The Week

When Cats Attack! Fails Of The Week

Estos son algunos comentarios:

Fred Garvin
It’s a mystery to me that so many people who appear to live in cold weather areas don’t really understand icy stairs.

Oi Vsё
Stair falls should be as a separate videos – part 1, 2 …

Любовь Щербакова
Дебилизм на лицо!!!!!!! Не смешно!!!

Idle Tales
Who likes emojis? ????????????????

Chris Reise
So….in an EIGHT MINUTE video about cats, there was a total of 2 clips showing a total of about 45 SECONDS regarding cats. This channel is REALLY becoming a garbage channel. THUMBS DOWN.

Nigel Bond
Some great clips. But for the love of God, enough of people falling down icy steps. 6 clips in one video is overkill. Apart from that, keep up the good job ?

Woodzy fox
Very Mis-Leading title…

Zachary Zacharka
One cat video how is this titled when cats attack and no cats? Did the editor have a stroke or was this made at 459 on a Friday? Boooooo, fail army is mid anymore .

Bill Binkelman
I don’t know if people are just totally unaware of the previous night’s weather, but a lot of people slip on icy stairs. Ummm…it’s called being aware of weather, folks. Unless you live somewhere that gets hardly any freezing rain/snow/etc. how can you not take it slow the first one or two steps? And the guy who dropped the slow cooker with food in it…sorry, no sympathy from me. That was all kinds of stupid.

william settle
The girl batting practice in garage, dad looking at her pissed like it was her idea to play softball indoors.

Fenrir Furry
That was a barbed hook noooo!

Push it though and cut it don’t yank it! D:
