When Everything Goes Wrong Pt. 2 | Fails Compilation FailArmy

When Everything Goes Wrong Pt. 2 | Fails Compilation FailArmy

Estos son algunos comentarios:

All u do is post people almost dying in car accidents and animal cruelty

Wretched lazybones
The bear be like-at this moment I knew that I fucked up

Mohanraj B
3:40 did not expect this ?.

6:56 oh yes, I really want one of those?

Tawni Schultz
I actually laughed so hard I’m crying! This is definitely one of the best vids!

Sammy Hakim Vlogs
This video was absolutely insane.

Niko here
5:21 ARIZONA ??

Eddie Diedericks
Its amazing how some people are still alive

Michael Martin
Dang that mall officer about drew his radio on that scooter board or whatever.

If I had a dollar for every time I saw that tire ring the doorbell ??? STACKS

Bullet Proof Soul
11:41 She like “Now you know how it feels…” LOL
