Worst Parking Spot Ever! Fails Of The Week | FailArmy

Worst Parking Spot Ever! Fails Of The Week | FailArmy

Estos son algunos comentarios:

DODO1 game
0:36 / 2:43 / 5:04

Lawd help your Planet if this the lot that are slated to take over, the movie ”Idiocracy” is all ready to be a real thing.

3:23 why do people spend so much money on this shit? That is a year worth of food.. new car.. down payment on a haus……..

Don’t forget to smile
whhyyyy…She just broke the HD screen….whhhhy

Mira Ajan

Paul A Burrows
Does anyone still fall for the “oh no! I dropped my new TV” bull

David McCoy II
2:05 nope, no mooing for me. Just drive ?

5:18 the volume of that scream was too high ??

Andrew Leavitt
At what point in evolution will people learn that ice is slippery?

Себастьян Перейра
7:20 Уже 3 тысячи лет как человек изобрел воронку, но эти варвары про нее еще не слышали

Себастьян Перейра
3:09 На жопу упала мозги ушибла)
